Talks & Presentations
2022, Mar 01
The photo is of me giving a talk at the 10th Anniversary of the Permeke Library in Antwerp, Belgium, in 2016. There’s a cube on the screen with the x axis marked crap / not crap, the y axis marked want / do not want and the z axis labeled uniqueness.
Here are bunch of my talks I’ve been invited to give over the years that you can watch online!
2010: Library Journal Ebook Summit: Featured Online speaker: “Libraries are Screwed” in 2 parts
2011: US Embassy, Rome: BookNext Future of Reading Conference, Remote Keynote (promo for talk)
2011: Mary Calletto Rife Youth Literature Seminary, Kalamazoo, MI: “Text, Tech, & Teens in this Century”
2012: ALA Techsource, Finding a Legal Comfort Zone on the Web
2012: VALA Library Association Annual Conference, Melbourne, Australia: Closing Keynote
Video of Talk “Access, Schmaccess”
2013: State Library of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia: Presentation & Panelist
2013: LIANZA Library Association Conference, Hamilton, New Zealand: Keynote Speaker
2015: Keynote, ILEAD USA, Springfield, Illinois
October 21, 2015, Nerd Nite Ann Arbor: “Back to the Future of Back to the Future”
One of my favorite talks I’ve ever given, and almost not about libraries at all! On the day Marty McFly traveled forwards to in Back to the Future 2, I looked at the tech in the movie and counted up hits and misses. Watch it on AADL.org!